Go Green
Welcome to our GREEN AREA - Take a few moments and learn about the Green movement and Sustainable opportunities that you can implement into your life. By combining social, environmental and economic forces we can meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Below you will find some basic green tips along with some links to help you understand the GREEN movement and just how important it is to embrace a greener lifestyle.
Green Tips
Plant Trees: 1 acre of new forest will sequester about 2.5 tons of carbon annually. Trees can absorb CO2 at the rate of 13 pounds/tree/year. Trees also help recycle water, prevent soil loss along with making food for wildlife.
Reduce Waste: Recycling is one of the most important ways for individuals to reduce the waste they generate and it reduces the negative impact of that waste. Recycling saves landfill space, conserves energy, and reduces water pollution, air pollution and the green house gas emissions that cause global warming.
Conserve Energy: By reducing the amount of energy we use each and every day we reduce the demand for such fossil fuels as coal, oil and natural gas. Also less burning of fossil fuels means lower emissions of carbon dioxide, the primary contributor to global warming and other pollutants. Plus by reducing your energy intake you save money.
Conserve Water: By reducing your water intake you will help preserve drinking water supplies along with easing the burden on wastewater treatment plants, the less work water you send down the drain the less work the plants have to do to make water clean again. Also you save energy and money.